Well it's taking longer than we initially planned (and a few more pennies) to create our Lego collage on the studio coffee table! But we're making good progress. What better scene to create out of Lego blocks, than the retro classic Super Mario Bros. The pixelated graphics work perfectly.
We started by measuring the exact size of the table, then covering it in Lego bases. Next we sketched out the Mario Bros scene and tried to get all the major well known elements in there before re-creating it pixel by pixel in Adobe Illustrator.
After buying a shed load of Lego, the slow process began piecing them together, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it shouldn't take too long now to finish our Lego masterpiece!
After all, every graphic design studio needs a Lego coffee table!
Watch this space for more up to date photos of the finished piece.